
The Third Glorious Mystery- The Descent of the Holy Spirit- Coloring Page

The Third Glorious Mystery, the Descent of the Holy Spirit Coloring page is here free to print!

The Third Glorious Mystery The Descent of the Holy Spirit Coloring Page

(Please download to your computer and open in a .pdf program like Adobe Acrobat before printing for the best results!)

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

Acts 2:1-4

I love the imagery of the Holy Spirit, in tongues of fire.  Fire appears in a lot of interesting ways throughout the scriptures. God speaks to Moses through a burning bush, burnt offerings in the old testament bring sacrifices to God through fire,  the Holy Spirit is in tongues of fire. The Catechism says “fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy spirit’s actions.”  I find that so appropriate because of how fire really transforms everything it touches. With all the wild fires in California and out west, we may be tempted to think of it as a destructive force, but it is also used extensively to bring value to once valueless items.  Precious metals are refined in fire, going from a useless rock, to a shiny useful material with thousands of applications. In the same way, the Holy Spirit can ‘refine’ us if we allow Him, and we can be useful to God in more ways than we know, glorifying him in all that we do.

Thanks and God Bless,


Remember, if you can’t wait for all of these coloring pages to post or if you just want them all in one document together, you can buy the whole pack of 20 mysteries here in my shop!

I also used these same drawings to make these Watercolor Printable Rosary Cards, which are available in B&W and in watercolored paints in the shop!

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